Sunday 9 October 2011

The Science of Sex | pureHOPE

Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain (InterVarsity Press) by Dr. William Struthers is the book that many people have been waiting for. ?A?neuroscientist?and professor of psychology at Wheaton College, Dr. Struthers explains in a clear and understandable manner how the brain works, why it is the most important sex organ, and how the neurochemistry of the male brain is negatively affected by pornography, leading to ?harmful shifts in behavior and attitudes about sex, self, relationships, and women generally. ?Because he also pulls this information through the grid of Scripture and God?s design of humans as embodied, sexual beings, this book is invaluable to ministry leaders, parents, and anyone who desires to better understand how and why to pursue purity in a pornified world.

We are privileged to call Dr. Struthers a friend, and look forward to the impact he will continue to have on the Christian community and the broader society as he serves God by exploring and explaining the biological foundation of the spiritual mystery of sexuality. ?We highly recommend Wired for Intimacy, many of the basic concepts of which are discussed by Dr. Struthers in the videos below; the first is his presentation at CONVERGENCE, an event hosted by pureHOPE in April, and the second is from the Scratching the Surface documentary project by filmaker Francois Driessen.

?By better understanding the biological realities of our sexual development, we can cultivate healthier sexual perspectives and interpersonal relationships. Struthers exposes false assumptions and casts a vision for a redeemed masculinity, showing how our sexual longings can actually propel us toward sanctification and holiness in our bodies.? ?[from the publisher's description of Wired for Intimacy]

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