Monday 23 July 2012

Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay Hydrated | Chino Hills ...

As you work towards your health and fitness goals, one thing that you must make sure you?re doing is taking steps to stay well hydrated.? Many people are fast to look at what they?re doing from the diet side of things, making sure to take in an even mix of proteins, carbs, and fats while consuming the proper calorie intake to reach their body weight preferences, but very few stop to consider the importance of good hydration.

If you aren?t staying well hydrated, you?re going to see some seriously devastating effects on your progress.? Dehydration can cause your energy levels to tank, your metabolism to slow, your concentration to falter, and leave you hungrier than you?ve felt before.

That said, not all beverages are created equally. If you want to reach your fat loss goals in record time, you need to choose wisely.

Let?s give you a quick run-down of the best beverage options that you should be considering.

water Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay Hydrated

Drinking Water Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay HydratedTopping the list of great beverage choices is water.? Nothing is going to cleanse the body and offer fast hydration benefits like water does.

Best of all, water is completely calorie free so will not put a dent in your daily calorie intake.? You should ideally be aiming to take in at least eight glasses of water each day, more if you?re exercising heavily.

If you find yourself struggling to get in enough, then try adding a slice of lemon or lime.? This will help add an instant burst of flavour without adding any extra calories.


greentea Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay Hydrated

gtea Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay HydratedMoving along, another great beverage choice to consider as you go about your diet is Green tea.? Green tea offers a number of powerful fat loss and health benefits so is definitely a must-have in your diet plan.

The first main benefit of Green tea is the fact that it contains a high amount of antioxidants.? These will help to fend off free radical damage in the body and help you stay free from disease.

In addition to this, drinking Green tea can also help to enhance your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories at rest all day long.? Those who have higher basal metabolic rates are always going to have a much easier time with fat loss due to the fact that they are burning more calories 24/7.

Finally, green tea is also a great appetite suppressor.? If you often find that hunger gets the best of you and that?s why you?re falling off your diet plan, Green tea can help.? The hot liquid will fill you up and solve your hunger woes in a hurry.


skim Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay Hydrated

skim milk Three Great Beverages To Help You Stay HydratedFinally, the last beverage to consider is skim milk.? While skim milk will contain 90 calories per cup, studies have demonstrated that those who do consume dairy as part of their diet show higher rates of abdominal fat loss.

What?s more is that this beverage will provide the much needed protein that many people are falling short in.

So pour yourself a tall glass and feel good about it.

Next time you feel thirsty, make sure that you?re choosing any of the above three options rather than some high calorie, sugar-laden beverage you picked up from the local coffee shop, smoothie bar, or vending machine.

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